SharingCloud – Desk Top Booking Panel

SharingCloud – Desk Top Booking Panel – 3.5″ diameter

The BOXPAD as with the RoomPAd will provide super easy use and on the fly status and desk booking.


SharingCloud – Desk Top Booking Panel – 3.5″ diameter

The BOXPAD as with the RoomPAd will provide super easy use and on the fly status and desk booking.

Turn and Smaller Room, space or desk into Manageable Space

  • Some spaces are too small to warrant the usual room sensors but they are still essential and important spaces.
  • You can be sure that desk is provisionally available: green LED indicates a free desk, so available! If the colored LED is red, the desk is occupied.
  • Switch a desk office as a temporary meeting room: the BoxPad allows immediate booking of this space.
  • Extend the meeting, take a break or free sooner the desk office: the BoxPad touch screen allows you to manage space occupancy.

Confirmation and authentication

  • Scan your corporate badge in front of the BoxPad screen: NFC/MyFare reader (HID optional) identifies you on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Associate to its infrared and thermal presence sensor, the BoxPad, on an anonymous mode, becomes a flex office multi-tool.

Limited reservation

  • You need a meeting with few of your team: the BoxPad makes private boxes bookable.
  • Notify your needs or claims: the BoxPad touch screen send the information.
+61 2 9624 7977

Unit 1, 45a Eastern Creek Drive
Eastern Creek NSW 2766

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